NCAA 2k13 Patch for NBA 2k13 Free Download
This patch replaces the NBA with 30 NCAA Teams based on Preseason RankingsAll Home and Away Uniforms converted to 2K13 from past mods
4 Accurate Stadiums from the 2K12 Mod
14 Accurate Floors from the 2K12 Mod
All Logos from the 2K12 Mod
All NBA Players Replaced with Generic Faces and Changed Ratings
This mod does NOT overwrite anything in NBA 2K13. You can play NCAA 2K13 alongside the default NBA 2K13 with no conflicts.
For the best experience, go to the presentation menu, turn OFF commentary, and change "Ball Handler Text" to "Number & Position".
Click on images to enlarge.

Download NCAA 2k13 Mod for NBA 2k13
Download [Size : 72 MB]