Teammate grades are on a weighted scale meaning it’s easy to get out of the C’s. While getting out of the B’s takes a bit of work, getting to an A takes a lot of work!
Here are some tips we've found help make sure you end the game with the highest teammate grade possible.
Score More
Score when you are wide open so that don don't miss it. Shoot better and get better grade by "Double move leading to Score".
Make a last second shot
Always time your final few possessions so you’ll have the ball with enough time to put up a final shot in the last few seconds. Make it and you’ll get yourself a nice teammate boost!
Don’t let your opposition player score
Avoid sagging off your player because if they heat up your teammates will hold it against you.
Don’t foul
While it’s tempting to button mash for those steals, don’t overdo it as fouls take a big divot from your teammate grade.
Successful double teams on defense
Applied correctly you’ll see yourself a nice boost, just don’t let your player run off you for an open 3 or dunk.
Set screens
Applying good screens should be the bread and butter of every PF or C my player.
Always box out
Boxing out after every shot helps add little boosts to your teammate grade, which will add up if done constantly.
Increase quarter lengths
We can’t do it all as a 65 overall PF playing spot minutes off the bench during 5 minute quarters. Consider increasing the length of the quarters until you earn yourself enough playing time.
Stay Focused
You can get better teammate grades in NBA 2k12 by staying focused, you can avoid fouls, make blocks etc.
Do you have your own tips and suggestions? Let us know by using the comment section below!